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"I think I’ve done them all!

Working with Birgitta is a real privilege, her care, attention and dedication has been truly humbling throughout. She takes the time to hear where you are at, what you need and what you would love to vision into reality.  She guides you through the spiritual realm and encourages a deeper connection to source for direct guidance and support. Her honesty, warmth curiosity for your journey creates a workshop/seminar environment of safety and inspiration." 

– Rosanne A.



"Allowing ourselves to create what we love" was a fine 2 days self-indulgent break in all the Covid-stress. Even though held via Zoom, it brightened my world, and believe it or CAN flow, HOW & WHEREVER it wants to.

Thank you Birgitta, big hug from Vienna."

– Karin R.



"Birgitta’s current teaching, ‘Allowing ourselves to CREATE what we LOVE!  Through releasing and FREEING ourselves from every FEAR & all imprints of FEAR, in our lives!’, I I found to be the most important to date. It is so relevant to the current environment we live in and the challenges it throws at us. This seminar guides us to look at our past and present imprints of fear, acknowledge them and channel that awareness into love. Love for all. From life, to humanity, to the universe, to the planet, to family to friends and love for our dreams. Love for a higher understanding.  And this love becomes the most powerful tool for the path ahead of us. The future we carve out not only for us but for all that surrounds us. I couldn’t recommend this seminar more and with Birgitta’s sensitivity and gentleness and her guidance I feel we will all triumph in what lies ahead of us and in manifesting our hopes and dreams."

– Carmine C.



"Having participated in a number of seminars & initiations with Birgitta and always coming away from these with a sense of ‘ this was a great experience’- I can use this in everyday life – I was still surprised, how ‘up to date’ & on the pulse - of the current situation the world finds itself in the latest seminar was! 

The content was engaging & easy to work with, the subject ‘releasing your (imprinted) fears,’ brings up a wide array of possibilities for everyone to work on.  With Birgitta’s loving and supportive guidance to help, at the end of this seminar one really feels better equipped to go on, dealing with everything life has to throw at you! “INVALUABLE”!"

– With love , Rudi R.



"This webinar has helped me help myself.  It has cleared imagined obstacles, and reset my once healthy goals, giving me purpose again.  I would go so far as to say it has reminded me of how to be joyful.  I didn’t realise how I had lost touch with my intrinsic, unfettered self.  Rigorous, focused, practical.  This is a seminar to work on yourself in a safe, non-judgmental space, with expert guidance.


If you would benefit from freeing yourself from fear and returning to positive intentions and expectations, then I cannot recommend this course highly enough.  For all those who strive to do right by everyone and have lost themselves in the process; for those bowed by conforming to the perception of others; for those who could simply do with feeling good and removing the fear that keeps us small or trapped, and for those who would like to rediscover they can and must ‘create what they love’ …then this seminar/workshop is for you.  It is like a tunnel boring machine - strong and effective.  I don’t know whether Birgitta is the TBM or the driver, either way, she guides you through resistance, back to the well of truth that lies within us all."

– Kate I.



"Birgitta and her seminars have been very important in my life. After the death of my husband and a move to London. Birgitta gave me the strength and the pathway to start a new life. Thank you Birgitta."

– Pat Mac.G.



"Making My Life My Work of Art and “Allowing ourselves to CREATE what we LOVE!  Through releasing and FREEING ourselves from every FEAR & all imprints of FEAR, in our lives!”- 2020:  These were two ideal workshops for our current, unstable times where our fears can dominate our minds, bodies and dampen our spirit. I was very privileged to attend both inspiring courses which more than exceeded my expectations. 

Specifically, in Creating What We Love, Birgitta shared her vision of the world desperately needing to detoxify, cleanse, recharge and heal, but most of all, be able to taste new life.

Using the teachings, I'm responding to challenges that cause me fear, making a daily choice to be in a state of flow and be inspired by what is meant for me. I'm able to pursue what I love, allowing trust and harmony in.

Both workshops shaped, guided and channelled by the wonderful Birgitta with loving support, have helped me re-write my inner stories. I've created a new narrative and developed more focus. I managed to create a beautiful affirmation in the healing process: The determination to let go of the fear of never enough, gently dissolving my hunger for more. 

These teachings are the antidote to the fear and insecurity we face, ideal for anyone on a path to inner discovery. In completing these workshops I've created more joy in my life and feel more liberated, instead choosing a mindset of abundance."   

– Yvette B.



"Birgitta’s unique healing gift has had a significant and positive impact on my life on many levels over the last 20 years.  Weekly, unhurried healing sessions are like a welcomed punctuation in my busy schedule and an energetic and spiritual reboot from where I can rebalance and take on the world once again with a new clarity and gentle strength. 

Her mix of compassion, deep spiritual awareness, pragmatism and genuine interest in her clients are the tools she uses to guide, support and nourish. I thoroughly recommend Birgitta to anyone with a yearning to change, develop, shed negativity and grow." 

– Peter W.



"Like all things in life when you are ready to open your heart you are ready to start to heal. This webinar helped me to understand where my inherent fears came from and how to move forward with love and grace. It’s helped me except where I am and to be kind to my self.
Birgitta is a wonderful guiding light. she has a deep understanding and compassion, which creates a safe environment for you to express your truth. Thank you!"

– Amanda T.



"Birgitta is a like a personal trainer for my mind. She’s an incredibly caring, thoughtful, inspiring spiritual teacher and totally committed to my wellbeing. She is strict but that’s exactly what my mind needs. I’ve been studying under Birgitta for at least 4 years, starting with a powerful Reiki Mastership course in mastering energy healing to reduce stress, improve health and quality of life.

Apart from my regular meditation sessions, I have also done two more courses, “Making my Life a Work of Art” and recently “Allowing ourselves to CREATE what we LOVE, through releasing and FREEING ourselves from every FEAR we still carry within us'!!                                                                              

Both have been very transformational, effective and you can put it into practice immediately

If you’re looking to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing and quality of life, I hold Birgitta in high esteem."  

– Cathy H.



"It has been a powerful journey of discovery and acknowledgment of my own artistry and creativity.

Birgitta's mentorship in the seminar is inspiring as she creates and nurtures the space for one own's unique answers. I strongly recommend it to anyone who is open to travel deeply their own complexities."

– Luisa P.


"Birgitta is immensely caring and loving - as a friend and even so as a spiritual teacher. I have made my REIKI-Mastership and Teacher with Birgitta back in Austria, and even though we are so far apart, we help each other with sending energy and healing. I have never met anyone as strong and committed to the loving energy of life as Birgitta. She is my best friend ever!"

– Christine G.




Testimonials for ‘The Art of living creatively’ - retreat

"This was my very first experience to take part in ‘the art of living creatively’ Retreat.  I was very nervous and, I am also not accustomed to write. Birgitta is very gentle but also firm to keep us on track.

By the end of the workshop I discovered parts of myself that where well-hidden but what excites me most, was to find out that I can write. Don’t be hesitant, allow yourself to be discovered."

– Silvia



"I had the rare opportunity to stop, to stop and look at where I am at the moment. Recent events had lead to a lot of confusion so I was grateful for the time with Birgitta and supportive loving fellows to be carefully guided through a process of reflection.

No definite route to the future was found yet much dust and many cobwebs were blown away. The time went fast, so I am fortunate that the journey of reflection was written down as the record can support  an on going review."

– R



"The Retreat for me was an allowance to be in the moment. I allowed myself the vulnerability to write freely, absorb in the present but to mostly be inspired by all of you. I'm used to creating a 'safe' space within myself and felt that's really the only true one. I now feel the retreat allowed me to trust and enjoy a safe space outside, amongst friends, set goals and really be authentic. 

I'd recommend the Retreat to anyone who is seeking their authentic voice. In Birgitta, you can really trust it'll be safe enough to open your boxes and be happy with what's inside."

– Yvette



"A most precious five days.  A journey of self-discovery, healing, connection and wonderful alfresco lunches in the sunshine!  

The combination of written exercises, guided visualisations, discussions, meditations and manifesting was a unique experience.  I particularly enjoyed the opportunity for self-reflective writing alongside others in a relaxed atmosphere. 

At the end of the five days I came away feeling truly seen, heard, loved and more ‘alive’ in both, the present moment, and the possibilities onwards.  

Birgitta’s unwavering support of each of our healing journeys and dreams continued to amaze me and I think that was the biggest gift of all!


The only downside was that it had to end!"

– Rosanne



"Thank you for running this retreat, Birgitta!

For me, the cumulative learning over the five days was much greater than the sum of the individual topics and writing exercises. It has changed my life already, in that I have come home and actually DONE things which came up in the exercises. Combined with a better understanding of my inner doubts, I feel able to progress towards what I really want.


I'd recommend the retreat whole-heartedly! Best wishes!"

– Anthony



Testimonials for Healing Seminars


"Having a secure environment in which to explore my inner self was truly amazing. I left the seminar with more respect for myself and with a soft caring approach to me - and what I want out of my life. A very moving experience."

– B.M.J. / South Africa



"All the seminars with Birgitta have brought new awareness and later actual change to my life But the SELF-LOVE seminar brought me to a crucial missing part within me. There was teaching, which seemed to say this is written for you. My lack of self-love was leading my body to depletion. Through the self-love attunement I am open now to learning to vibrate the truth of my heart energy."

–Paul C. / Ireland



"Two days later someone jumped into my heart as I finally allowed myself to receive. Worth every penny."

– Peter W. / London



"I feel so different. The Self-Love seminar gave me a new sense of clarity and through it I was able to see, understand and change patterns that I no longer need in my life."  

– Simone W. / Sydney, Australia


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